Apple’s CEO Steve Jobs will likely announce a new device in about an hour, something between a MacBook and an iPhone.
What is less clear, but probably more interesting, is what comes with this new tech tool. The press invite was suitably cryptic, with the graphic below and the phrase, “Come see our latest creation…” If iTunes and the App Store was what made the iPod and iPhone unique, what new media platform will accompany the iPad or iSlate (or whatever it’s called…)? You know Apple will deliver a great piece of technology.
If there’s something new on the content creation side, something that makes text, audio and video easier to make, modify and market, it could be worth a second look for lawyers.
But not for just for getting noticed by clients; it might be something very timely for the brave new alternative billing world. More tomorrow…

(Update: It’s the iPad!)

(Photo: NY Times)