This week has featured a look at the reality that most lawyers never retain an attorney. Yesterday featured a look at 7 factors that lawyers could use as a virtual check-up for their retain-ability. If that’s a word.
The last factor was one of the main challenges for lawyers today: visibility. There are more lawyers chasing fewer clients.
The visibility condundrum is can be acute at larger law firms. The good news is more people may have heard of your firm; the bad news: you are one of hundreds (thousands?) of lawyers clamoring for attention.
Let’s look at it graphically:
Even after getting noticed in some media, there are additional factors at play that impact whether your efforts are read, retained, and (hopefully) acted upon.
When we talk of media, these days it goes beyond the traditional legal publishing outlets. Visibility can also include social media.
Because of sustained interest in this topic, the next Wired GC Seminar is entitled “Legal Social Media: Salvation or Snake Oil?” More information is available by clicking on the “Seminars” tab on the navigation bar at the top of this page. Subscribers to our Wired GC – Select monthly newsletter automatically get a link to view these seminars.