As disclosed here; Socialtext CEO Ross Mayfield is looking to take a step up and recruit a new CEO to replace himself.
Since Socialtext is a company that seeks to bring wikis to the enterprise, Mr. Mayfield is using the web to hunt the best head:
The ability to do this search openly is part of the great culture we have built at Socialtext. I’m going to transition to Chairman & President and focus on growing the top line with my external facing duties and drive corporate and product strategy. CEO 2.0 will bring a strong operations background and have a mandate to grow the bottom line. This is a dream job.
I’m just starting the search and you can help. We should be able to find the right person within our own strong network, so if you can make a strong recommendation please contact me through LinkedIn.
With the many networks available now, the long-standing assertion of executive recruiters about their “proprietary databases” filled with “exceedingly qualified candidates” rings a bit hollow.
If they can really find and pry “A” players out of good gigs that such people are always in, then headhunters may earn their 33-and-a-third. Those are few and far between; I had a staffer from one of the leading legal recruiters leave me a message last week to “call her if we need any lawyers.”
Talk about value added…
Interested parties can contact Mr. Mayfield through LinkedIn; although Denise Howell points out that some members of that network are migrating to Facebook.