Not too far from my company is the international HQ of Domino’s Pizza. Just on the outskirts of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Domino’s occupies a large, low-slung Frank Lloyd Wright inspired corporate campus.
Recently, Domino’s did something quite revolutionary: it asked customers what they thought about their pizza, and then publicized the results (the most brutal stuff is in the first 90 seconds):
Domino’s CEO Patrick Doyle distills it down to two sentences in today’s Detroit Free Press:
“It’s remarkable the campaign is getting as much attention as it is. All we’re doing is telling the truth about what our customers said and doing something about it,” he said.
It’s probably not totally coincidental that Domino’s share price has nearly doubled since the “Turnaround” campaigned started in November.
So do I expect law firms to run hidden-camera client focus groups and put the results up on YouTube? Um, no. (But it would be awesome, you have to admit; the essence of differentiation).
But a good start is getting some honest feedback from key clients (not easy), sharing it with them, and saying what you will do differently. Oh, and actually doing it.
What would your firm’s “crust tastes like cardboard” comment be?