Five years ago I started this weblog.
Here was the first sentence:
CNN reports that firms are expanding to meet demand for outsourced attorney and legal support services:…
And I ended with a question:
The start of the long-expected disintermediation of legal services?
So now I’ll answer after five years:
I think we are at least at the start of the start.
It the spirit of creative destruction, we’ve reached a fork in the road at the Wired GC, or perhaps a bend in the river.
Law river, that is…
Some of the news and views detailing change in the legal industry really doesn’t fit the format here. So rather than let some timely links languish, we give you lawriver.
It’s about as simple as we could make it. Less to distract and an easier fit when you are working off a small screen.
And five years hence…who knows?