Last time, I looked at major companies that are showing an increasing interest in sourcing their work globally.
Today, a gaze into the rearview mirror on a stateside initiative that is gaining traction: Legal OnRamp. More than just a website, Legal OnRamp is a online hub that brings together corporate legal departments and leading law firms. Content, always a staple of law for business, is a starting point. But the brains behind Legal OnRamp understand a key fact about law in the 21st century: what really distinguishes lawyers is how they apply the law and drive business results.
That’s where the vein of value can be deep and rich and provide a common benefit.
To this end, the really interesting parts of Legal OnRamp, from my initial experience, are opportunities to work in a community and collaborate in ways that foster learning in new areas and lawyering in new ways.
The network created by Legal OnRamp is growing. Backed by Cisco and other leading law departments, it is helping ease the friction that can cause the gears of legal commerce to grind a bit.
My colleague in the blog network, Bruce MacEwen, has a great overview of Legal OnRamp, including details on the law firms involved.
Further information is available by contacting Legal OnRamp here or me as well.
Technology is best when it is transparent to the user, so that the focus can be on solutions. Legal OnRamp is one example of how the law is moving forward. Which way are you headed?