RIM CEO Jim Balsillie is entitled to wax a bit poetic when he writes a $612.5 million check to NTP.
According to MSNBC and other press reports, Mr. Balsillie used this phrase when describing the settlement. Just one question: which team?
As to understanding the timing of the settlement, the RIM press release made the real reason clear: things were finalized the same day RIM announced preliminary 4Q results, which ended the next day. Full 4Q results for RIM will be announced on April 6, 2006. A crusade? Defending a principle?
How about it “must be the money?” (link to Nelly lyrics could attract RIAA and get me in hot water with law.com).
But lest RIM let the weekend settlement party extend into a new week, the New York Times reports this morning that there may be storm clouds on the horizon for BlackBerry.