I guess a sign of the pervasiveness of the law is the idea that Sarbanes-Oxley savvy can jump-start a career.
Fortune notes five ways to hasten the ascent up the corporate ladder. Number 2 with a bullet is:
Embrace Sarbanes-Oxley. If you haven’t already, take a course or two on Sarbox and its myriad implications. (The American Management Association, trade groups and most colleges offer them.) Says exec coach Bill Morin: “If you want to get ahead, you have to talk intelligently about this stuff.”
Knowledge of SOX is important; but the other four ideas resonate more clearly with me. My fave for the GC trade is #3, “Stay squeaky clean,” since that provides a strong platform to lead in all areas.
Part of talking intelligently about SOX is being aware of its shortcomings. Professor Ribstein notes that SOX is under attack in the courts, for some very strong legal and policy reasons.