Is this a sign you’ll see soon in a law firm lobby near you?
The Law Department Purchasing Consortium has been formed, offering law departments and general counsel the following:
This Consortium marshals in one place all of the facilities, tools and resources you need as a law department leader to derive more value for the dollars you spend on legal and law-related services, improve operational efficiency and reduce costs.
Through the Consortium, you gain by –
– pooling resources with other law departments to leverage your buying power and reuse work product,
– acquiring tools for more efficient management of matters, knowledge and outside counsel at little or no cost, and
– accessing partnering-savvy attorneys and suppliers committed to delivering higher value at lower costs through greater efficiency and responsive, appropriate service.
There’s an impressive advisory board composed of a number of corporate GCs and law firm representatives.
We’ll give a closer look in the near future.
Thanks to Larry Bodine for the heads-up.